
Aghorastra Homa

Aghorastra Homa is performed for Lord Shiva’s blessings in his Aghora Rudra form. This Puja is performed to remove malefic effects of evil spirits, troubles caused by enemies and witchcraft. Aghorastra Homa is performed to break the evil spells of bhoot, pretha, pishacha and drishti dosha caused by misdeeds of enemies.

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Bhuvaneshwari Homa

Goddess Bhuvaneshwari (Goddess of the World) is the fourth Mahavidya and one of the highest aspects of Mahadevi. Performing Bhuvaneshwari Homa brings peace, health, wealth and prosperity. Bhuvaneshwari Homa can also remove obstacles, give courage, confidence, sensitivity, sense of responsibility and emotional maturity to individuals. Also, Bhuvaneshwari Homa helps control potential threats from enemies and evil forces.

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Lakshmi Narayan Hrudaya Homa E-Puja

Lakshmi Narayan Hrudaya Homa is performed in honor of the divine couple Goddess Lakshmi and Narayana (Vishnu) who together symbolize wealth and prosperity. Maha Lakshmi is the heart (Hrudaya) of Lord Vishnu and this potent stotram opens the devotees heart to divine love. This Homa is believed to grant blessings for all kinds of wealth and prosperity, financial gains, good home and family, education and spirituals growth.

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Aditya Hrudaya Homa

Aditya Hrudaya Homa is performed for the blessings of the Surya Dev through chanting the Aditya Hrudaya Stotra mantra. The Stotra mantra praises Lord Surya who supports the entire solar system and our lives. This Homa helps to gain confidence to conquer our problems. You may achieve Victory in your life. You will get power (Tejas) and provides happiness and welfare for our family.

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Maha Lakshmi Homa

Mahalakshmi Puja and Homa is performed to remove all obstacles and negative energies and for victory or success, acquiring wealth and prosperity. Also to bring harmony in family and success in life.

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Navagraha Puja And Homa

Navagraha Puja and Homa is performed to remove all obstacles in life and attain happiness. Navagraha Puja will help in strengthening the position of the planets causing positive influence while pacifying and neutralizing the planets causing negative influence.

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Dasa Mahavidya Homa

Dasa Mahavidhya Homa is for fulfilment of materialistic desires and moksha or spiritual liberation. Dasa Maha Vidya Homa is dedicated to the ten feminine aspects of creation which govern the universe and are the driving force of all beings.

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Punyahavachanam is a purification ritual performed before any ceremony such as Marriage, Homa, etc. Mantras are chanted and then water is sprinkled over all the people participating and the items used. The ritual is also performed after the birth of a child to purify the house and its members.

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Maha Ganapati Homa

Ganesha is also known by the name Siddhi Vinayak, which means the God of Success. This Puja brings positive vibrations to the home and workplace of the performer. It is performed for dissolution of obstacles, bringing good fortune in one’s personal and professional life.

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Gnana Saraswati Vidhya Ganapathi Homa

Gnana Saraswati Vidhya Ganapathi Homa  is performed by those who seek better results in studies and increased wisdom. This Puja is also performed by people who are striving to excel in their exams. This Homa is also beneficial for devotees who suffer from speech impairments or defects.

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Pooja For Getting Own House

Bhoo Varaha Puja and Homa is performed for blessings of the Lord to buy a Land or getting own house. This Puja is performed for Lord Varaha who is the third incarnation of Lord Vishnu. By performing this Puja, one would be blessed with purchasing the right property at the right time.

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Ayushya Homa / Havan

Ayushya Homa / Havan is done to worship the God of Life (Ayur Devatha ). By performing this Homam, one gets long life blessings from Ayur Devatha. This Puja is performed on an auspicious day specially on the birth day of the child.

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Dhanavantari Homa

God Dhanavantari is known to be the God of Medicine and an avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is worshipped for good health of family and himself. He is the true propagator of Ayurveda and medical practices in India. Ayurveda is identified as the most ancient and original medical system in the world. People pray to Dhanavantari for a healthy life, contentment and prosperity.

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Lakshmi Kubera Homa

Goddess Lakshmi is the symbol of wealth and riches while Lord Kubera is the protector of all these riches. They are the caretaker of the wealth which the God created. Worshipping them together can bring fame, prosperity, divine happiness, wealth, mental and financial prosperity.

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Pavamana Homa

Pavamana is a group of Gods who reduce your sins and bring positivity and prosperity in life. The group consists of Lord Vishnu, Lord Hanuman, Lord Bharati, Somadeva, Agnideva, and goddess Ganga. Pavamana Homam is a ritual performed to put an end to all your sins and bad karmas you have accumulated in life. You might be experiencing the bad effects of karma of your past lives without even knowing it. This homam cleanses your soul and brings purity in your life.

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Pooja For Childless Couples

Santan Gopal Puja and Homa is performed for couples who have problems with conceiving a child. This Puja is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu. None other than Lord Maha Vishnu himself bestowed knowledge of this Homa on Sanatkumara, who in turn instructed this to sage Bodhayana.

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Maha Mrityunjaya Homa And Jaap

Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap Puja -The great mantra, Maha Mrutunjaya, is devoted to Lord Shiva and begins from the Rig Veda. The meaning of the mantra is to worship the three-eyed God, Shiva, who undergo all living beings. Thus, any person who is afraid of negative events, loss of fear, should undertake Maha Mrutunjaya Puja. It is the greatest mantra for Conquering and warding off untimely death.

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Drishti Durga Homa

Drishti Durga Homam will help one attain high financial status in life and empower one with high self-esteem. Misery and money-related sorrows can be overcome by performing this homam.The bad effects of curses, evil eyes, doshas, and obstacles are removed from a person’s horoscope by performing this homam with total devotion.This homam helps in lighting up your business and profession and helps in stopping the losses if any and helps in financial stability.

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Rudra Homa

Rudra means Shiva, the destroyer of all the forces of evil. As the supreme Lord of the universe, he gives you inner peace, a sense of accomplishment and also gives you all the pleasures of this world. Rudra has control of the nine planets and therefore controls all time and space. Rudra Homam is a powerful fire ritual that aims to purify a person’s inner spiritual system, all deeply rooted disorders, by invoking the grace of Sri Rudra, one of the many forms of energy Shiva.

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Bhoo Varaha Homa

Bhoo Varaha Homa is performed for blessings of the Lord to buy a Land , getting own house or for property with issues. This Puja is performed for Lord Varaha who is the third incarnation of Lord Vishnu. By doing this Puja, one would be blessed with purchasing the right property at the right time.

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Lakshmi Narsimha Homa

Lakshmi Narasimha Homam is dedicated to Lord Narasimha and Maa Lakshmi. Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, light, wisdom, fortune and fertility. And, Lord Narasimha, the fourth avatar of Lord Vishnu, is the destroyer of the evil.Lord Lakshmi Narasimha is the 4th avatar of Lord Vishnu. Goddess lakshmi narashima is Keeping you away from enemies and blessing you with peace and happiness.

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Lakshmi Narayan Hrudaya Homa

Lakshmi Narayan Hrudaya Homa is performed in honor of the divine couple Goddess Lakshmi and Narayana (Vishnu) who together symbolize wealth and prosperity. Maha Lakshmi is the heart (Hrudaya) of Lord Vishnu and this potent stotram opens the devotees heart to divine love. This Homa is believed to grant blessings for all kinds of wealth and prosperity, financial gains, good home and family, education and spirituals growth.

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Kushmanda Homa

Kushmanda homa is a distinctive sacred fire ritual that can clear your karma and life problems. It is recommended that everyone performs this ceremony and connect with Rudra, Kubera (the Banker of Heaven) and the wish-fulfilling cow Kamadhenu for an auspicious beginning. If done with proper devotion, the Kushmanda Homa is a great way to receive absolution for sins that were committed knowingly or unknowingly and to gain peace of mind free from guilt.

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Shukraditya Sandhi Shanti Homa

The ending period of Shukra (Venus) Maha Dasha and starting period of Aditya (Sun) Maha Dasha forms Shukra Aditya Sandhi. One should perform 45 days before the ending period of Shukra Maha Dasha. Especially the last six months of Shukra Maha Dasha and the first six months of Ravi Dasha are crucial periods. People perform this Shanti pooja Navagraha Purvak with a primary focus on Shukra and Aditya mantras.

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Rahu Brahaspati Sandhi Shanti

A person faces a lot of problems related to health, wealth and in relationships when the Mahadasha of Rahu ends and the Mahadasha of Guru begins. It can also lead to premature death. This is the time when it is suggested to perform Rahu-Brihaspati Sandhi Shanti Homam to get blessings of Rahu and Brihaspati and eradicate/avoid the ill effects.

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Swayamvara Parvati Homa

The Swayamvara Parvati Homa invokes the divine grace of Goddess Parvati, the embodiment of Shakti (power), the driving force of all living beings and the consort of Lord Shiva. It is said that Shiva himself conferred this mantra to Parvati. This ritual has the potential to subdue the ill effects of unfavorable planetary combinations in your birth chart that hamper your marital prospects

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Shradh Puja

According to Garuda Purana the souls that don't get Pind Daan, Tarpan and so forth meander erratically on the Earth. Shradh Puja is done to satisfy the dissatisfied wishes of the predecessor's souls which are caught in our reality because of powerful urges that stay in soul even after death. In the Hindu religion, it is the ritual that one performs to pay homage to one's ancestors, especially to one's deceased parents.

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Chandi Homa

Goddess Durga, also known as Goddess Chandi is the chief Deity of this Homa. According to Vedic scriptures, Chandi represents the feminine energy and worshipping her leads to various benefits. Goddess Chandi is regarded as the Mother of this Universe. This homa is regarded as the most ‘Powerful’ homa so it needs full devotion and dedication. Chandi homa is mainly conducted for clearing all the obstacles in the path to success.

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Pratyangira Devi Homa

The Prathyangira Devi Homa is performed to lift the shroud of negativity bogging you down and envelop you with a shield of positivity. Invoke the Devi’s divine energy with this ritual and get protection from enemies, accidents, evil eyes and other hostile elements. Physical ailments, mental traumas and other untoward incidents will magically dissipate and vanish from your life.

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Durga Homa

Durga Homa- A puja for mother Goddess Durga to combat wicked actions and to keep away negative thoughts. A powerful and effective homa for external evil acts. Enhances physical and mental strength and hence makes to follow dharma path. Durga is associated with war against bad elements. Therefore this homa is not only for self-protection but also to keep away enemies.

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Kalabhairava Homa

Kala Bhairava is identified with time cycle of life. The individuals who are confronting terrible time in their life may do Homam of God Kala Bhairava. In the event that individuals who are mistaken for dealing with their time do Kala Bhairava Homam then it might be valuable to them.

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Shatru Samhara Homa

" Shatru " signifies " Enemy" and " Samharam " is a sanskrit word which signifies " Destruction ". The destruction of our enemies is the fundamental goal of this homam. God Karthikeyan is the chief deity in this homam. Fame, Success, Money or Happiness are never said to be consistent. Sometimes our enemies or any harmful entities can make our happy life turn into a ruin.

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Pooja For Getting Job

Maa Durga helps in vanishing all the problems coming in the way of your success. Maa Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth, light and fortune, Maa Saraswati is the deity of intelligence who increases your memory power and other soft skills. Performing Durga Lakshmi Saraswati Homa helps in getting all the required talent or quality to get a job and get the blessing of the Devis to have a blissful life.

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Santan Gopal Homa

Santan Gopal Homa is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu. None other than Lord Maha Vishnu himself bestowed knowledge of this Homa on Sanatkumara, who in turn instructed this to sage Bodhayana. The Homa is usually performed for couples who have problems with conceiving a child.

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Durga Lakshmi Saraswati Homa

Durga Devi helps in vanishing all the problems coming in the way of your success. Lakshmi Devi is the god of wealth, light, fortune, Goddess Saraswati is the deity of intelligence, increases your memory power and other soft skills. Performing this homam helps in getting all the required talent or quality to get a job and get the blessing of the Devis to have a blissful life.

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Markandeya Homa For Good Health And Long Life

Markandeya Homa for Lord Shiva in the form of Mrityunjaya, is a powerful worship seeking long life and greater well being. Also known to be a Life sparing Homa, performing this divine ritual will help you from seven sorts of Mrutyu Doshas as while performing this Homam seven offerings are made to the Brahmins namely Thaila, Loha, Karpasam, Kushmandam, Lavanam,Tila and Kambalam.

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Kuja Rahu Sandhi Shanti Homa

The ending period of Kuja Maha dasha and starting period of Rahu Maha dasha forms Kuja Rahu Sandhi. One should perform 45 days before the ending period of Kuja Maha Dasha. Especially the last six months of Kuja Maha Dasha and the first six months of Rahu Dasha are crucial periods. Persons perform this Shanti pooja Navagraha Purvak with a primary focus on Kuja and Rahu mantras.. Hence bad effects of planets can be reduced by doing this Sandhi Shanti pooja.

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Sudarshana Homa

Sudarshana Homam owes it’s origin to the Sudharshana Chakra which is among the major psychic weapons of Lord Vishnu who is the preserver as well as the sustainer of the Universe. Lord Vishnu has always been portrayed as holding the mighty Sudharshana Chakra which is a kind of a wheel, in one of his hands. This is his weapon and he always triumphantly flings it at the negative forces to forcefully slice them with a spinning motion.

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Shradh E-Puja (1st Year)

According to Garuda Purana the souls that don't get Pind Daan, Tarpan and so forth meander erratically on the Earth. Shradh custom is done to satisfy the dissatisfied wishes of the predecessor's souls which are caught in our reality because of powerful urges that stay in soul even after death. Shradh Puja ritual is performs to pay homage to one's ancestors, especially to one's deceased parents.

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Bala Ganapati Homa

Bala Ganapati Homa is performed for prospective Brides and Grooms who are facing difficulty in getting married. Bala Ganapati Homa helps to get suitable proposals and prospective life partner. This Homa is performed to remove all types of marriage related obstacles from our horoscope. Bala Ganapathy homam is also performed for children to improve their intelligence. This Homa helps to sharpen the learning skills for accomplishing goals in academics.

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Sri Sukta Homa For Wealth And Prosperity

Sri means 'Maha Lakshmi' and Suktha means 'well said'. The Sri Sukta Homa is a very powerful homa performed for ushering prosperity and wealth. Sri Sukta Homa can be conducted for those who are seeking wealth and prosperity in life. It is strongly recommended for those facing financial difficulties and wish to earn wealth in abundance.

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Sri Sukta E-Puja And Homa

Sri means 'Maha Lakshmi' and Suktha means 'well said'. The Sri Sukta E-Puja and Homa is a very powerful Puja performed for ushering prosperity and wealth. Sri Sukta E-Puja and Homa can be conducted for those who are seeking wealth and prosperity in life. It is strongly recommended for those facing financial difficulties and wish to earn wealth in abundance.

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Navagraha E-Puja & Homa

Navagraha E-Puja and Homa is performed to remove all obstacles in life and attain happiness. It is primarily conducted to counter the flaws in one's horoscope and any negative influence caused due to the unfavourable planetary position. It is done to appease the nine planets and is considered to be an effective remedy for Navagraha Dosha.

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